Tag Archives: warrior

Boat Pose – Paripurna Navasana

Difficulty – Easy to Intermediate

Lie flat on the back with legs extended and arms at the sides.

Exhaling, raise legs up keeping them straight. Also lift the back off the floor keep spine straight so your are bent at the hips. Arms should be lifted an stretched out in front of you towards the front.

To make this pose easier and be able to hold it for longer, you can use props. You will need 2 stools, benches, or chairs and 2 towels to put over the chairs to ease the pressure of the stools. Place one stool against the wall and the other about 4ft in front of it. Place a folded towel or blanket over the edges of each stool so the edges are covered. Slide in between the stools resting your back on the stool against the wall. With your buttocks on the floor, raise each leg so the calves are resting on the stool in front of you. Place your hands on your thighs. Exhaling straighten your legs so your calves are off the stool. Lift you chest and sternum into the air.

  • Muscles – Stretches hamstrings. Strengthens the spine, abs, legs, and arms.
  • Joints Used – Spinal neutral extension, hip flexion, and knee extension.
  • Benefits – Increases metabolism. Improves circulation, especially in the abdomen. relieves indigestion and gas and strengthens the kidneys. Reduces lower backache.
  • Beware – do not practice this pose if you have a cardiac condition, asthma, bronchitis, a cold, migraines, insomnia, severe backache, or menstrual disorders.

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Side Twist in Hero Pose – Parsva Virasana

Difficulty – Easy

Start by kneeling with your feet and ankles just outside your hips and your knees together. Sit your buttocks down on a yoga block, folded towel, or blanket so it is between your feet. Place a block behind you making it easier to lift your spine and rotate your torso.

Inhale and stretch your spine up. Then as you exhale turn your torso to the right placing your left hand to the side of your right knee. Using your breath, continue to turn your torso to the right placing your right hand palm down on the block behind you.

Continue to lift your chest up opening the shoulders and keeping your spine straight.

Repeat on other side.

  • Muscles – Stretches the spine, chest, neck, obliques, and hips.
  • Joints Used – Spinal rotation. Hip and knee flexion. Ankle extension
  • Benefits – Very good for the back by relieving backaches and sprains in the neck and shoulders. improves digestion and gas. Relieves rheumatism in the knees and reduces pain in calves, knees, ankles and heels.
  • Beware – do not practice this pose if you headaches, migraines, are prone to insomnia or depression. Also refrain from practicing this posture if you have cold, congestion, or bronchitis.

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Reclining leg, foot, and ankle stretch – Supta Padangusthasana

Difficulty – Easy

Place a mat against the wall and sit with the your legs stretched out in front of you facing the wall, soles of your feet up against the wall.

Lower your back on the mat until your are lying completely on the floor.

Bend one knee and bring it in towards your chest. Take a strap and place it on the ball of the foot on your bent leg holding the ends of the strap in each hand.

Inhale and straighten the raised leg until it is perpendicular to the floor. Adjust your hands on the strap so you are holding it as close to the foot as possible. Pull down on the straps increasing the stretch on your foot. Repeat with opposite leg.

  • Muscles – Stretches the entire back of the leg from the lower back, gluteus, hamstrings, calves, ankle and foot. Strengthens the hip and lower spine.
  • Joints Used – Hip and ankle flexion, knee extension.
  • Benefits – Very good for the heart reducing cardiac disorders. Aligns the pelvis which relieves backaches. Treats arthritis in the hip and knee. Also helps treat menstrual cramps.
  • Beware – if you have asthma, bronchitis, migraines, or stress-related headaches do not practice this pose. If you have high-blood pressure, place a blanket under your head and neck.

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Reclining Fixed Angle Pose – Supta Baddhakonasana

Difficulty – Easy

Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you back straight. Place a bolster behind you one end at your buttocks and at the other end a folded blanket on top to support your head and neck. You can also use yoga blocks, several folded blankets, or be creative to have support for your back.

Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together and draw them in towards the groin. Take a yoga strap and buckle it and bring the belt down over your head shoulder brining it down to your waist. Pass the belt over both feet so it around your below your waist, over your ankles and thighs, and around your feet. Adjust the belt so it is not too tight or loose. Place blocks on either side of your hips so they are supporting your bent legs.

You want to keep the thighs as flat as possible so adjust the belt as necessary to achieve a safe and good stretch in the groin. You can also gently press down on the inside of your groin to help bring your knees towards the floor.

Place you elbows on the floor and slowly lower your head and back onto the bolster and stretch your arms out to the sides palms up. Relax into the posture and hold for a few minutes, from 1 up to 10 minutes as is comfortable.

  • Muscles – Stretches the groin, chest and abs.
  • Joints Used – Spinal axial extension. Hip opener. Knee and ankle flexion.
  • Benefits – Regulates blood pressure. prevents hernia of the hip and groin by stretching. relieves lower backache. Helps pain caused by sciatica. Helps relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids. Relieves indigestion, gas, improves bladder control and tones the kidneys. Improves blood circulation in the ovarian region, helps menstrual pain and corrects prolapsed uterus.


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Reclining Hero Stretch – Supta Virasana

Difficulty – Intermediate

Start by kneeling with your feet and ankles just outside your hips and your knees together. SIt your buttocks down so it is between your feet. You can stay here if the reclining version of this pose hurts your knees, you have arthritis in the ankles, or have a spinal disk disorder. There is also a version of this pose with props I will explain later.

Exhaling, slowly lower your back to the floor resting on your elbows with your palms on the soles of your feet.

Bend your head backward resting the crown of your head on the floor and keep lowering the shoulders and back on the floor while extending your arms along the sides of your body, wrists on the ankles.

Extend your spine until your back is on the floor. To get into the full version of this pose, extend your arms overhead or crossed overhead hands holding opposite elbow. Make sure to keep your knees on the ground, if they come off the ground come out of the pose until they are on ground and hold there or use props.

To use props, place a bolster or yoga blocks with a folded blanket over them behind you. instead of laying your back on the floor, use the props to support your spine.

  • Muscles – Stretches abs, muscles in the front and side of thighs, and in the chest.
  • Joints Used – Spinal axial extension. Hip extension, internal rotation, and abduction. Knee flexion.
  • Benefits – Very good for the heart reducing cardiac disorders. relives rheumatism and arthritis in the back and knees. Aids digestion, soothes stomach acidity and ulcers. Relieves symtoms of asthma. Also helps menstrual pain and disorders effecting the ovaries.

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Inverted Pose – Viparita Karani

Difficulty – Easy to Intermediate

In this restorative inversion, many props can be used.

Place a block on its long side against the wall. Place a bolster or two on the block right up against a wall. The block creates space between the bolsters creates the space to lower the buttocks slightly. You can also use several folded up blankets on top of yoga blocks.

Sit sideways on the bolster and place your fingers and palms behind the bolster on the side away from the wall.

Turn your torso away from the wall while one by one lifting your legs onto the wall while supporting yourself with your hands behind you. Move your buttocks towards the wall.

Bend your elbows slowly lowering your head and torso towards the floor until your shoulder are resting on the ground. Push your palms into the floor and move your buttocks closer to wall if possible.

Move your shoulders towards the bolster and spread your arms out so your palms are facing up. Allow your body to relax. Stay in this pose from 3-8 minutes.

  • Muscles – Stretches muscles in the chest, ribs and abdomen.
  • Joints Used – Spinal extension. Hip and ankle flexion. Knee extension
  • Benefits – In addition to physical benefits, this pose also boosts confidence and alleviates depression. A great pose for heart health by helping circulation throughout the body and regulation of blood pressure. Helps treat eye-disorders, headaches, and migraines. Also great for breathing by relieving asthma, bronchitis, and throat issues. Helps those suffering from arthritis and cervical spondylosis. Helps treat naseau, indigestion, diarrhea and kidney disorders.
  • Beware – This pose can be difficult for those with stiff backs, be careful getting in and out of this posture to prevent injury. Do not practice this pose or any other inversions during menstruation.


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Downward-facing Cross-legged Pose – Adhomukha Swastikasana

Difficulty – Easy 

In this restorative version of a cross-legged seated pose, many props can be used.

Place a bolster, folded blanket, yoga block, or roll up the end of your mat to lift your sir bones while sitting. Place a bench in front of you (or you can also use several yoga blocks to rest you head, or a chair provided the back of the chair does not get in the way). Place a blanket on the edge of the bench to give yourself a soft place to rest your chest. You should also you use a bolster on the bench to provide a soft support.

Sit cross-legged in front of the bench with your buttocks on the bolster, folded blanket, or yoga mat.

Exhaling, bend forward resting your chest on the edge of the bench and your forehead down. Place your arms in front of the crown of head on the bolster. If you are using several yoga blocks to rest your forehead, find a comfortable and restful position for your arms so you can stay in this restorative posture for at least 2 minutes.

  • Muscles – Stretches muscles in the spine and hips.
  • Joints Used – Spinal flexion. Hip, knee, and ankle flexion.
  • Benefits – Relieves stress and fatigue. Relieves migraines and stress-related headaches. Helps heart palpitations and breathlessness. Helps prevent naseau and vomiting. Helps relieve hip pain, rests tried legs, and improves circulation in the knees.

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Half-Moon Pose – Ardha Chandrasana

Difficulty – Basic to Intermediate Balancing Pose

Start with feet wide as in triangle pose. Start to enter this pose as you would triangle by raising your arms parallel to the floor.

Turn your right foot to 90 degrees and your front foot inward slightly.

Bend your forward knee and place your arm either on the floor about 1ft in front of your foot or on a block in the same location (a block makes this pose easier). Raise your upper arm like in triangle pose straight up.

Straighten your front leg and lift your back leg so it is parallel to the floor. Look up at your raised hand. Balance on your leg and not your arm.

Keep your leg, hips, and torso inline. Doing this pose with your back against the wall can help your body aligned.

  • Muscles – Strengthens muscles in the legs including the foot, ankles, calves and thighs. Stretches the hamstrings in the standing leg.
  • Joints Used – Knee extension, hip extension in raised leg, ankle flexion, hip flexion in standing leg.
  • Benefits – Relieves gastritis and acidity. Improves strength of the spine and sacrum helping backaches and sciatica. Corrects shoulder alignment. Improves circulation in the feet.
  • Beware – Do not practice this pose if you stress-related headaches, migraines, eye strain, or insomnia. People with hypertension should look ahead and not at the raised arm.

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Extended Triangle – Utthita Trikonasana

Difficulty – Basic to intermediate

This pose is very similar to trikonasana, but with a wider base and deeper bend at the waist.

Stand with feet spread wide, about 4.5ft apart, slightly wider than for triangle pose. Front foot facing the front of the mat and back foot facing at about 45 degrees.

Extend arms sideways parallel with the mat. Bend at the waist and bring front arm to shin or behind front foot. Raise back arm so it is pointing straight up. Twist your head up so it is facing raised hand.

  • Muscles – Stretches quads, abductors, and calves of front leg, gluteus, biceps femoris of back leg. Strengthening gluteus, hamstrings, quads and many other leg muscles in front leg, gluteus, abductors, and other muscles of the back leg.
  • Joints Used – Spinal extension and rotation, head rotation, hip rotation and extension, knee extension, and ankle extension.
  • Benefits – Relieves gastritis, indigestion, acidity and flatulence. Improves flexibility of the spine and helps backaches. Corrects shoulder alignment. Helps neck sprains. Strengthens the ankles. Massages the pelvic area and helps menstrual pain.
  • Beware – Beware of hyperextending the knees to avoid injury by keep hamstrings and quads active.
Some props can help get into this posture and help aid in proper alignment. One can use a yoga block placed behind the front leg to rest your hand on instead of using the shin or the floor.
Two yoga straps around the top of the both thighs can help align the hips properly. tighten straps and get into the pose. Grab the straps from behind with the raised arm and roll the the thighs outward increasing the hip opener.
You can also use a chair to put your lower hand on extending it in front of you instead of on the floor or a block behind you. This will extend your torso forward.

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Four-limbed Stick Pose – Chaturanga Dandasana

Difficulty – Intermediate

This pose basically looks like a push-up stalled with elbows bent at 90 degrees.

Briefly, start in prone position with legs straight back about hip width apart, and arms under shoulders, palms facing the ground. Keeping the body straight and inline, press-up onto your toes and into your palms so the elbows remain bent at about 90 degrees and inline with the sides of your body.

  • Muscles – This is a great strengthener for many muscles in the body in the arms leg and all over the torso. In the arms major muscles used are the serratus (armpit) subscapularis, pectoralis major and minor, coracobrachialis, triceps, pronators, and hand muscles. In the legs the hamstrings, adductor magnus, gluteus maximus, psoas major (pelvis), iliacus, rectus femoris, , vastii and articularis genus, gastrocnemius, soleus, and foot muscles are working. In the back and torso, the obliques, rectus abdominis, psoas minor, and spinal muscles
  • Joints Used – Internal hip rotation, ankle flexion, elbow flexion, wrist extension.
  • Beware – This pose requires a lot of muscle work and breathing can become difficult so work your way up to extended holds in this pose. Also losing strength in many stabilizing muscles in the abs and back can cause unnecessary stress on the scapula and lumbar region of the back.

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